The Farmer's Almanac is calling for a colder than normal Winter with more snow than normal. They have been right more often than any other weather predicting source.
I would remove all batteries and take them inside to keep on a float charger. Wax your coach. Remove all food and place mouse traps at all possible entrances. Jacks up or down is your choice but I would figure some way to take most of the weight off of your tires and suspension, even if it is jack stands or wooden blocks. Air up your tires about 10+ psi above the maximum PSI stamped on the side of the tire. Do not drive on them after they have been over-inflated. Drain all water lines and fill with drinking water anti-freeze.
Use fuel stabilizer and make sure that you run it thorough your generator also.
Put a plug in to the end of your exhaust system to keep out moisture and rodents. Sit back and wish that you were someplace warm.