We of course use the pink stuff to winterize all the plumbing. I take all food stuff out of the RV. I inventory everything on a sheet of paper that I need for restocking it before next use. I try to rotate and use what I can so I restock with fresh. The refrigerator is washed down and the door blocked open. All bathroom toiletries that would be damaged by freezing is boxed and brought in to be stored in the basement. Bedding, towels etc stay in the coach. Tanks all drained. Antifreeze poured in grey & black. Gas stablizer added to fuel tank and run into generator. Exterior of coach waxed with Maguiars. Batteries water level checked. We run the generator 1 hour/once a month. This seems to keep the batteries up. We do not remove the batteries. We put the max psi in the tires, but don't go over the stamped amt ourselves. We also keep the jacks up after they have been cleaned & lubricated. My feeling is the jacks, on our coach anyway, are not designed to hold the coach, they are stablizer jacks. We lube the steps up on our final Fall maintainance. We put a piece of wire screening over exhaust pipes and zip-tie into place. Once a month while exercising the generator, we open and inspect the engine compartment for any signs of rodents.
Our coach sits in our driveway all winter, uncovered. It gets a fair amount of snow on top. I use a ladder and a snow removal tool I bought from a auto dealership to remove heavy snow from the roof. I don't worry about getting all the snow off, just enough to not worry about weight. I don't allow heavy snow to sit and condense either. It comes off immediately.