on my 94 am eagle the vim is to the right side of the steering column
the tcm is held on the keypad with 4 screws and there will be 2 harness connectors plugged into it, make sure they are locked in place there is a release tab on the conector if they come unplugged without pressing the lock tab reinstall and make sure you hear it click if it does no click get some silicone electeical grease and lube the seal (I had that problem once) but I think at some point Allison separated them I have seen the tcm in one of the compartments at the rear of the coach it will be an aluminum box abut 2-3 in thick and maybe 4-5 in square the tcm and should have the Allison logo on it. my vim has 3 or 4 fuses in it could be a problem also check the battery box for fuses will probably have fuses for the ism and sometimes have for the Allison. the tcm has to power up and see neutral for the stater to engage so jumping the starter will not let the trans to go into gear unless the tcm is powered up and showing the proper display