Forum Discussion

Miramichi_cruis's avatar
Jan 05, 2015

Would you buy an as is Newmar?

Hi All,

Wondering what your feedback would be about this Newmar that was struck by lightning. Would you consider buying it or what reservations would you have?

2014 Ventana Lightning Strike
  • If you read many of the posts on this forum, electrical problems are the toughest to deal with which equates to a lot of labor dollars if you have to pay someone to do it.
    IF, and this is a big IF, you got a list of items replaced when it was "refurbished", then it might be a good deal.
    I would be interested in the electronic engine module and the electronic transmission module being replaced, as well as the control boards for the generator, WH, Refrigerator, AC systems, thermostats, and the electronic slide control. The inverter and the EMS would be suspect also.
    If the people who did the "refurbish" did not replace ALL of the electronic items and controls, I would say that they did a band-aid repair and are trying to unload it quickly.
    Remember, the insurance company wrote this off as not being economically repairable. That was a big check they wrote. Perhaps their expert knew exactly what he was doing. Do you feel lucky?
  • Did I read the price correctly, $219,000.00?

    That's a lot of money for "as is". Basically you're buying repaired salvage. Is the title branded showing the history of the unit?

    Here's a question -- Can you even insure the coach against physical damage perils, like for instance, fire damage? I suspect if you tell your broker that the unit is a 2013 "refurbished" they will have a hard time finding an insurer for it!

    With that kind of budget I suspect you could find something less questionable