lbligh wrote:
fischer wrote:
here is what adot says:
What is the rate of tax on use fuel?
Use fuel (diesel) in Arizona is taxed at two levels:
If the use fuel is used in the propulsion of a use class motor
vehicle on a highway in this state, the tax rate is $.26 for
each gallon.
A "use class motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that uses use
fuel on a highway in this state and that is a road tractor, truck
tractor, truck or passenger carrying vehicle having a declared
gross vehicle weight of more than twenty-six thousand pounds or
having more than two axles.
2. If the use fuel is used in the propulsion of a light class motor
vehicle (such as a pickup truck), or an exempt vehicle (certain
school buses, government and non-profit vehicles – see ARS 28-
5432.C ) on a highway in this state, the use fuel is taxed at the
same rate per gallon as the motor vehicle fuel tax ($.18 per
(See ARS 28-5601, 5605, 5606).
The pump stickers leave off all referance to passenger carrying vehicle.
Motorhomes are not passenger carrying. So we must be OK
So, you never carry a passenger? I normally have at least one "passenger" sitting in what is commonly referred to as the "passenger seat." Interesting... like others here, I have a tag and must pay the higher tax. Frankly, the argument should be that all RVs should be excluded from the additional tax like they are in every other state.
As someone else posted. There was an ammendment to the law to say a passenger carrying vehicle for 20 or more people. That is a big ammendment for this law. That would meen the law was fought years ago and they then ammended it!