Rollnhome wrote:
To understand the regulations you must pay close attention to the comma placement and what is being communicated. The comma placements are key to understanding this sentence.
Light class motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle that uses use fuel on the highways in this state but excludes a road tractor, truck tractor, truck or passenger carrying vehicle having a declared gross vehicle weight of more than twenty-six thousand pounds or having more than two axles.
It excludes 1. Road Tractors 2.Truck Tractors 3. Trucks or passenger carrying vehicles having a declared weight of more than 26K pounds or having more than two axles.
A MH is not classified as a passenger carrying vehicle. The only definition of PCV I can find is under motor carrier and federal definitions as being vehicles for hire to transport multiple passengers. AZ has no such references or definition relating to PCV. Motorhomes are classified as Recreational Vehicles in Arizona.
I think we can say this until we're blue in the face an nobody is getting it. A motorhome doesn't fit the definition of any of those which is why motorhomes aren't excluded, because they never were included. All we have so far is an example of a person in a semi-conversion getting a ticket. And from what I've read on that I guess people don't even know if it was a private motorhome or something he was using for commercial purposes like hauling racecars I think was mentioned.