msmith1199 wrote:
lbligh wrote:
msmith1199 wrote:
Rollnhome wrote:
How can you exempt something from a list that is not included in the list? That is my point.
That's why I'm trying to tell him but he insists on going over and over with the same rant. Nobody is disagreeing that motorhomes are not specifically excluded. We are saying the statute appears to never include them to begin with. I tried pointing out to this guy that Diesel powered VW's are excluded either, but that is because they aren't included to begin with. He couldn't even understand that.
Go read the label. The labels SPECIFICALLY identify the vehicles that fuel from the labeled pump can be dispensed into. It specifically states the following on the higher tax rate fuel:
The Arizona Use Fuel tax rate per gallon at this pump is shown above.
Fuel purchased from this pump is for use in vehicles with more than
2 axles or a declared Gross Vehicle Weight greater than 26,000 lbs.
•Vehicles not meeting the above description -or-
•Vehicles exempt under ARS 28-5432 (school buses, government and non-profit)
are taxed at a lower rate. Please see the attendant for an $.08 cent per gallon rebate.
The consumer warning label on the lower tax rate fuel dispenser states the the fuel dispensed from the pump must be used in a vehicle with NO MORE THAN TWO AXLES AND HAVE A GVW LESS THAN 26,000.
What can you possibly not understand? Maybe you need a refresher course in reading? I would actually pay to watch you try your so-called theories on for size with an ADOT officer. Maybe you will let us all know when you next plan to purchase fuel in AZ and I will personally arrange to have an ADOT officer there if you would like.
Why don't you try reading the actual law and not the label. You are really making yourself look foolish here.
I have and know exactly what it says. Seems as if you are not able to comprehend the note from ADOT? All roads lead back to that pesky ARS 28-5432 you like so much. Sorry, those are just the simple facts.