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Us_out_West's avatar
Oct 08, 2013

Apple pie...

It's harvest time for many Fall favorites including apples.

The wife and a couple of girl friends made their annual trip to Apple Hill, CA from our home base in Reno last week. Brought back a load including Granny Smiths and made a delicious apple yesterday.

Couple pieces left. :p
  • Tricia, the change in apple variety might require a little tinkering to get it perfect but think the topping adds a nice texture in the mouth with the apple flavors. I'm glad you liked it.
  • We just came back from Bayfield WI (known for it's apples). I got a new variety (to us) called Connell Red.

    Dave, I read your recipe and went right in the kitchen made one using the Connell Reds. It's fantastic!

    The pie didn't have as much juice as I'm used to and the apples were still just a bit firm. But they were delicious. It's a flavor like no other apple has. If you can find them, try them. I think your crumb topped apple pie may be my new favorite. I may add some brown sugar next time.
  • Wife does Apple pie a different way, use your regular apple pie receipe, but Use instead Grannysmith apples "Do not peel the apples, leave the skin on, it gives a nice tart flavor, add Rasins and Walnuts, this pie is to die for, at least I think so, hope you try it and enjoy, Wolf3gang.
  • The next apple pie you make, try the crumb crust topping. It's part of what I love most about eating my home baked apple pie.

    Dave's Apple Pie


    Approx. 6 – Apples (Granny Smith)
    1/4 Cup Flour
    1/3 Cup Sugar
    Cinnamon To Taste – ½ tsp / 1 tsp


    1 1/4 Cups Flour
    1/2 Cup Sugar
    1/2 Cup Butter
    1/4 tsp Salt


    Standard, Single Shell, Flour & Shortening Crust In A Deep Pyrex Pie Dish

    I Advise Making The Crumb Topping First. Once The Apples Are Peeled & Cut, I Don’t Like To Wait To Get Them In The Oven.

    After Putting In My Bottom Crust, I Put In A Layer Of Sliced Apples, Sugar, Flour & Cinnamon With Process Repeated Until Pie Dish Is Full.

    The Topping Is Made By Cutting The Butter Into The Flour And Sugar Mixture Until Crumbly. Put Topping On Apples.

    Bake At 425 Degrees For 30 Minutes. Reduce To 350 Degrees And Bake An Additional 20 Minutes. Inside Should Be Bubbling. If Top Begins To Get Too Brown, Lightly Cover With Foil.
  • You may not need a pollinator. I have a single Macintosh apple tree, (not listed as a self pollinator) and It has never failed to produce apples. There must be enough other trees withing a bee's flight time to take care of pollination. Had a great apple pie last weekend, made some apple sauce, and gave the rest away.
  • I really want an apple tree in my yard but all the varieties I like are not self polinators and require a second tree. No way I could make use of that many apples. I'd like to find a nursery that would graft up a couple varieties on a single root stock and I'd be set.
  • We lost our local apple farm about 3 years ago. It was the only one around for 30 miles and about the only place to find my favorite Winesap apples. But at least they didn't close because of a lack of business. They've operated Rouster's for more than 30 years, the owners were in their early 70's, and they were just worn out. I'm sure going to miss them.
  • As the old saying goes, "I only like 2 kinds of pie, hot pie and cold pie!"

    Regarding apple pie, I don't think I have ever enjoyed a piece of boughten apple pie. Why they don't cook the apples thoroughly is beyond me. I love home baked apple pies but no crunchy apples. Granny's and Gravensteins are my fav pie apples. Gravenstein is my favorite apple sauce apple. The wife and I are planning our trip up to Apple Hill in a couple of weeks. Can't wait for my apple fritter and my carmello!