NC, Happy B-Day!!!
We have had the blue one just like RoyB posted the pic of for probably 5yrs or so. Bought on Craigslist for $50 w/ the bulk tank hose.
Did you get the scissor leg model or the one like we have?
It is pretty stable, never had any issues other than maybe just a touch wobbly if on uneven ground. But not to the point of possibly tipping.
Cooks pretty good. Steaks, burgers, etc all turn out pretty good.
Clean up on the other hand is a little bit of a pain IMO. BUT I do not use water in the pan. I need to try that to see if it's any different on clean up. I usually forget until it's time to clean up, then remember about the water!!!
We have a griddle and the stove top also. Never used the griddle much. Stove top works for cooking eggs or bacon, but if you need high heat for corn on the cob for example the RT doesn't have quite enough.
I bought the travel bag as well, but our Blue RT would not fit. I had read mixed reviews of the blue one fitting. Seemed about an even mix of it fitting or not. Glad we only paid about $13 on clearance!!!
I actually bought a Camp Chef Explorer 2 burner stove, 2x 30k btu burners for higher heat cooking. Also bought a splitter for the 20lb propane tank to run both off of.
I will see how the clean up is with water in the pan. If it's not any better then it may be a Weber Q for us also.