Forum Discussion

  • BajaLinda wrote:
    I love Ramen noodles, if you throw the packet away why not just buy some other noodle. That's were all the goodies are. Mind you I can't eat them often, but they must have the packet.

    I was thinking the same thing....until I thought of the cost.....
  • I love Ramen noodles, if you throw the packet away why not just buy some other noodle. That's were all the goodies are. Mind you I can't eat them often, but they must have the packet.
  • Yeah, but the flavor packs are what makes it good....

    From a source online about the noodles without the seasoning pack....Remember that a block is considered 2 servings when looking at the numbers below. I've never just ate half a


    One package of plain ramen noodles contains two servings. Each serving contains close to 190 calories. There are slight variations among the many brands of ramen noodles. A serving also has 7 gram of fat.


    There are 29g of carbohydrates in each serving of noodles. Only 1 gram is dietary fiber. The iron content provides 6 to 8 percent of your recommended daily intake, depending on the brand. Each serving contains 500 milligrams of sodium. The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day.
  • wbwood wrote:
    magnusfide wrote:
    Great for road meals or bdc (busy day camping) meals.
    Ramen Hacks: 30+ Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Instant Noodles

    If they could just get rid of a good bit of the sodium..

    I almost always throw the seasonings away the minute I open the packet. That's where the majority of the sodium is located.

    The bloggers have it right; a well stocked seasoning pantry allows ya to use the noodles as a blank canvas:).
  • wbwood wrote:
    magnusfide wrote:
    Great for road meals or bdc (busy day camping) meals.
    Ramen Hacks: 30+ Easy Ways to Upgrade Your Instant Noodles

    If they could just get rid of a good bit of the sodium..

    If you don't require the flavor packet you miss most of the sodium and all of the MSG.
    I rarely use them and instead use a low sodium broth powder if needed.