Forum Discussion

Go_Dogs's avatar
Mar 06, 2015

Spices Source

FYI: If anyone is interested in an excellent source for spices, blends, herbs, recipes, etc. Try Penzey's. I've been a customer for years and they are one of the few places that I recommend. If you have a store nearby-it is a destination stop. Online:
Everything is of the freshest, highest quality. They always give you a little freebie with your order. I just placed an order and can't wait for it to come. This month you get a free mug, (code 94049C). Free S&H with a $30 order. Lots of good stuff!
  • For a relatively short time we had a Penzey's in NYC. It was in the Grand Central Station food market which is a wondrous place to visit should you ever be in the area. In the past they've had a German mostly pork butcher, fishmonger, French food takeout (they made beef bourguignon sooo good I've been tempted to say I made it :D) and of course, Penzey's. The problem is the rent is probably a buttkicker since every 2 years or so a stall I've fallen in love with disappears.

    I've heard of Penzey's for years via 'net acquaintances so when it opened here, ran down, inhaled the air and slapped some plastic down.
    Very worthy. Very fresh. Knowledgeable staff.

    One day they *poofed* from the locale so I went online to order Indian spices instead of taking the subway to Queens. Found a place called The Spice House, who guaranteed me delivery in 1 business day (I was already in the middle of cooking) and it's been a great relationship ever since. When I call every 6 months or so they run through my past orders to make sure my inventory is complete and I'm not out of say whole nutmegs. Actually I was......oops. When I embark on learning a new cuisine they suggest alternate spices/herbs even if it means less money to them.
    Yeah but here's the kicker: the business is owned by a Penzey daughter and her husband! When you know spices guess it's in your blood.

    The Spice House is located in Chicago and only has 2 locales that are both nearby. They don't offer freebies like mugs but do use herbs and spices as packing materiel: bay leaves and cinnamon sticks.

    Here's their business website:

    So keep them in mind if Penzey's isn't near or hasn't what you want available. I like both businesses:).
  • NYCgrrl, I was just in the city a few weeks ago and some of the nicest spices I have ever seen were at the Chelsea market on 9th st. Also eataly on 5th ave had some very nice spices. Consider yourself lucky to have those 2 places so close to you
  • Davec13 wrote:
    NYCgrrl, I was just in the city a few weeks ago and some of the nicest spices I have ever seen were at the Chelsea market on 9th st. Also eataly on 5th ave had some very nice spices. Consider yourself lucky to have those 2 places so close to you

    During the December holidays I become horribly "lazy" and spend my time indoors cooking my head off and maintaining my "how I make money" business. The retired man in my life becomes my "go fer" and I am NOT allowed to send him all over the city unless our grandaughter's wants and needs can be incorporated; he'll do ANYTHING for her.

    Thus cool places like Eataly, Chelsea Market, Sahadi's,(amazing Middle Eastern spices there!) and Flushing( melange neighborhood of many different Asian foods), become not gonna happen places. One has to use their "powers" well;). I do appreciate the resources here but know I am soooooooooo not a grand cutie with total control of her peoples:D.
    On my bright side DGD accepts that she may be a Princess but I'm a Queen. Hehehehe.

    And here's a heads up for you- love the foodstuff of Eataly? Visit Arthur Avenue in the Bronx. It's a stretch travel-wise for visitors but oh so worthy. And cheaper. No one will mug ya and you'll have the ....pleasure of stopping at one of the original White Castle's if the place rocks your boat. Only fast food I eat every 5 years or so now, LOL. My digestive system pays for it but hey you only know ya live once.
  • We recently spent a week in Arizona and visited the Penzey's in Tucson; what a treat! If any Canadians (or US visitors) are interested, Silk Road Spices in Calgary was easy to drop a buck or two at, as well. Silk Road Spice Merchant
  • wow- just looked up Penzey's - there is one within miles of where I work! I know where I am going during lunchtime!