I've heard of a Surprise Stew or Hobo stew.
Everyone brings one thing, meat, veggie - fresh, frozen or can. Brown meat in a stew pot, add the different veggies, soup, whatever everyone brought. It might even be vegetarian. This way it will not break anyone since you only bring one item of the stew. salt, pepper, etc. is extra for seasoning. For bread, slice up French bread, put garlic butter between slices, wrap in foil, place on bar b que in the cool area, just turn the bread so all are warm.
Speaking of scouts, in Girl Scout camp we used to make out own bacon and eggs on a 3 lb coffee can with a tuna can below that had cardboard rolled around with wax poured over it. let the cardboard "fire can" cool so it can be used the next meal. No oil needed. You cooked the bacon first, then take it off and fry the egg. after taking off the egg, you can put bread on the coffee can - either with extra butter on the bread or use the grease. remember it was tasty, even tho one time it rained so we had rain mixed in.