When I was in my 20s I really didn't care much for hot food. Then I slowly developed a taste for it. In the early '90s a lot of hot sauces came out that were hot for the sake of being hot. People I worked with were bringing them in and we'd have contests at lunches and breaks. It was hoot. I could eat Dave's Insanity sauce without flinching. I still can. Doesn't mean it tastes good, it was just a fun "macho" thing to do.
Today I don't bother. I still love it hot, but not for the sake of hot. It's also got to have good flavor. There comes a point when something is so hot that it completely destroys the flavor. My wife thought I liked Dave's Insanity Sauce and put some in a bowl of my chili once, far more than a drop! I almost gagged. I had to dump the bowl. Too hot and just didn't taste good.
All that said, what I consider mild is very hot to the average palate. When my wife cooks for guests she has to "dumb down" the spices. It's not a macho thing anymore, I'm a connoisseur. ;) But I haven't bought any specialty hot sauces in years. The best commercially available salsas and sauces I've had in the past 10 years are Mrs. Renfros and CA Johns
And I never need an excuse for a beer!