I think there is a lot of "marketing" in Hot that is directed to the people playing the macho thing. Like most of the persons responding on this post, I love hot and spicy foods. Likely hotter than most like. I am to the point that when ever I have Mexican food, I always want two or three roasted jalepenos or serranos to enjoy with the meal. When ever I bbq there are always peppers on the grill too. I put Tabasco or something similar on most everything I eat except apple pie. But also, like has been mentioned on this thread, some people think because you like peppers or hot sauce they want you to try something so hot it nearly sends you to the emergency room. I have no part of that cause I have nothing to prove. You want to prove you can eat hotter stuff than me? Not a problem, I will concede and give you the victory and I will sleep better and feel better in the morning!