Sunday night before our latest round of snow a ewe delivered twins. One twin must not have survived delivery since the experienced ewe did not finish cleaning up the lamb. Yesterday, my wife found the surviving twin lethargic and cold. She evicted the triplets from the pen with the heat lamp and put the ewe and surviving twin in this pen. Last night I inspected the ewe and discovered she had no milk likely due to mastitis. I force fed the lamb milk replacer from a bottle but the lamb did not bound back within 2hrs. I went to bed expecting to find a dead lamb; however, the lamb was more alert this morning. So before work I was bottle feeding the lamb; I needed to force feed (shove the bottle in the mouth and squeeze milk out into the lamb's mouth) it since it has not taken to the bottle yet. We'll see how this lamb does over the next few days. Ideally we'll have a ewe deliver a single lamb soon and we'll get her to take the bottle lamb.