I couldn't tell you where that little bone-brain is at this moment. When he wants something, he will stand directly between me and the couch. Just stand there...won't move, except for maybe a little tilt of the head. Hears the word outside, he does a 360 right where he stands, then goes and stands at the top of the steps. Gives me that "you said outside---get up, lets go" look.
If it was just cause the water or food bowl was empty, when we get down stairs he goes and stands in front of them, instead of the door. Knuckle-head has figured out that if he can get me to let him out, he can show me the bowl is empty.
Comes and gets me at bed time too. Lays at me feet by the couch...only time he does it. He knows I have to get into bed first, but then we can snuggle.