dturm wrote:
Deb, I was wondering how much snow you got on your side of the lake???
The wind has shifted to the SW and we have a "warming" condition, it's all the way up to +1 above. Amazing, but it actually feels kind of warm at least compared to -15.
Assuming you're talking about the BIG lake (Michigan)... ;-)... it really protects us from the bitter cold. It has been colder to the south (like Indiana), than here in West Michigan. However, I live on a good-sized lake, so down here in the "bowl" - I've seen actual air temps of -10 to -18 degrees. Lord only knows what the wind chill has been - my dogs can only stand to be out for about 30 seconds.
Of course, the payback for that temperature protection is Lake Effect SNOW. At the moment, the snow is so deep that unless one is on a groomed trail - it's really NOT good to snowmobile in...LOL!! I think I just read that Grand Rapids has already had 50+ inches of snow - which is close to a "normal" winter's-worth of snow; and we're on track to get around 100" for the season??
I think my hands are permanently shaped to either grasp a shovel or snowblower handles....LOL!