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dturm's avatar
Jan 06, 2014

Storm Stories

Share your stories!!

Our section of Indiana (northwest near Chicago) is under a state of emergency, all interstates (I80-94, Indiana toll road and I-65) are all shut down.

We had over a foot of snow with high winds so drifts are over 3-4 feet.

It is currently -15. Wind chills near -40.

It's not unusual to get a below 0 temp here in Jan or Feb, but high today is supposed to be around -11 (record low high temp for any date around here).

One of our doctors got stranded at the airport (she spent New Year's in NY) and the other is snowed in, so I'm "working" today. I actually had a surgery show up!! and one patient for subQ fluids.

We're shutting down early, I've got a huge pot of soup at home waiting.

  • It's -15 in the western suburbs of Chicago. We decided not to go to Florida this winter, little did we know what we were in for!
    We stand by the door with our jackets on when we let the dogs out. We are ready to run outside and carry them in after they do their duty.
    We are allowing the little chihuahua to use the peepee pads inside.
    The 2 dogs that love the snow are the ones we adopted in Florida. The Chicagoland dogs go out, do their bisiness and come right back in.
  • Thankfully I don't have a "storm story". I have a snug warm home in the country, and we normally have a stock of food for several weeks. I don't currently own a generator, but have only been out of power about three hours in 25 years. (Thanks REMC) I have a boss who is not torqued about letting me have a day off, when the county roads are under emergency travel restrictions. I have 4g connection which allows me to surf state park sites in florida and other southern locations where we can camp next year after we retire! No complaints, no worries!! Be safe and warm, friends!
  • Lots of bad stuff goes on in thoughs type of temps, so you'all be safe an keep warm! I heard looting / ers are bad as well!

    As far as me an Pops goes. It got really cold so I've been wearing my sweater now days!

  • magnusfide wrote:
    I sure hope no one is camping in that. I have to say I believe rvers are better at preparing for this kind of thing. With the interstates closed, no food will be restocked on store shelves.

    We do like camping in the winter, but at this temp you'd go through a tank of propane every day and still have problems with lines freezing. We usually don't plan anything if it's below 15 (above 0). I think it's time to join the snowbirds.
  • Doug, I didn't see this thread until I had posted on Old Fella. If you can/want to delete from Old Fella and put it here, that would be fine with me.

    Stay warm and have a bowl of soup for me. :B
  • Just took a quick picture outside the hospital. It's sunny and does not look at all like it's -15.

  • I sure hope no one is camping in that. I have to say I believe rvers are better at preparing for this kind of thing. With the interstates closed, no food will be restocked on store shelves.
  • stay safe driving. it's -11 here in Elkhart and they have also issued the travel restrictions. only a plow or two have driven by so far.

    we are taking the dogs out 2 at a time (we have 2 fosters right now- great time to house break a 10 month old!)
  • Keep safe and warm, Dr. Doug. We're hunkered down safe and warm not too far from you in Crest Hill, Il where it is -16. Andy our sheltie knows what the word "hurry" means when he goes out to take care of business, and my horse is safe and warm in her stall out in Oswego. The barn manager told us not to try to come out because of the drifts made the rural roads impassible. What a winter so far. Hope everyone and their fur kids stay safe and warm.

    Rita, Andy and Nicky
  • Geez, here in Florida we have to turn the heat on!!!

    The horror of it all.

    Stay warm my cyber friends.