What causes that problem... Depending on who you talk to the proper following distance is 2-4 car lengths for every 10MPH as I recall
Or, if you are like most folks.. Count seconds 2-4 seconds
If, as example, you see the vehicle in front of you go into the shadow of a bridge and you begin to count seconds One Thousand One... and you are in the shadow of that same bridge then
1: You are about average
2: YOU ARE TAILGATING the car ahead (following too close for safety)
However if you get up to 2,3 or 4 without being in the shadow Yet.
At one thousand two you are where I was originally taught
At one thousand three you are were they teach today for cars
At one thousand four you are where AEON teaches for RVs
And all the above are for clear dry pavement.. Wet double or more the time/distance.
But as I said,, ONE second is the average (Have watched thousands of drivers using both cameras and standing on the corner watching all the cars go by) OR LESS in many areas.
So when someone slows a bit all the drivrs behind thm have to slam on the brakes or replace radiators and pay upgraded insurance premiums.
Tailgating is the problem.. DO NOT ADD TO IT.