Bill. Please read carefully. I am in my fifth wheel right now. I have a modified smaller version of a Slimline which I made from a DISH 1000.2 reflector. I have set it up over a hundred times in the last four years. My LNB only has one RG6 port (not four) from which I run a wire to the PI and then a 4 way splitter with two of the ports capped. From the splitter I feed two DVR's. Now tell me that's not SWM. I know what SWM is. I simply stated that during trouble shooting what turned out to be a bad PI I connected the RG6 directly from the SWM to one of the DVR's and it worked. End of the story. Maybe somebody else has run into the same thing and maybe not, but it seems that no one here has tried it so until you do you can't really dispute it.