theoldwizard1 wrote:
fla-gypsy wrote:
The Fire tablet doesn’t come close in capability unfortunately.
fj12ryder wrote:
Like anything else, it depends on what you use your tablet for. The Fire will do quite a few things, and many apps can be loaded with some work and fiddling.
Truth in both statements ! If your a committed long term Apple user, it will take some time to get used to the differences. If you use iCloud to share/store a lot of pictures/documents or use FaceTime a lot, you are likely doing to have issues.
Apple even more so than Amazon (Fire) want to be you "one and only provider" so they both make cross functionality "difficult". Neither particularly like Google so using Google apps can be a challenge (not that is can not be done).
I have a Fire 8 HD, but have not used it much. Just a bit too small.
Amazon has recently had some AMAZING deals (up to 50% off) on their entire Fire table line (likely there will be new versions before Christmas) that are hard to pass up. I would buy a Fire 10, give it a good 2 to 3 months and if you are not happy, sell it. You won't lose that much money.
The days when ipad had more capabilities are long gone. Plenty of apps for android that will do anything ipad can do.
But again, what is the tablet used for? For most people, a fairly basic android will do everything they want.