k6ncx wrote:
dmaxpuller wrote:
Have been using "Navigon" for quite awhile. Just took a 7K trip and used it al the time. Works perfect. Always updated.
not sure why the link is not working, cut and paste.
Good Luck and have fun
Thanks. I find no indication, either from their web site or from the App Store (or for that matter from people who like it,) that Navigon takes height/weight/length into account. Does it?
Not sure that it has the info for height/weight/length for vehicles. Never thought about it. It has a 3D feature and a couple more that you can purchase. But all in all, it works fine. I use it all the time, even when out in the boondocks. We got the Canada package also. It has a pedestrian mode also. Have used it walking around a few of the bigger cities. Not that I like going to the big cities, but every once in a while.
We also use the DeLorme North America version 10 map on the laptop, but as far as getting a signal, its tough in the truck. We have a cabover and putting the antenna on the dash, does not work, but when it does, its awesome.
We used this also. A great tool to have in the box. Its the "Next Exit Directory".