pianotuna wrote:
Get a reverse thread drill if other methods don't work.
Drilling may really be the only alternative to the problem.
The drillings which are going to be difficult to keep contained.
Don't need to be a reverse bit though, just need a drill bit just large enough to drill the head off. Think of it like drilling out a pop rivet. You can leave the threaded portion of the screw in place as the cover should go right past that. The screw head is countersunk and no way to grab with pliers or cutters.
Laptop manufacturers use Blue Thread locker and removal of the screws requires the use of a good quality precision screw driver set.. Round off the screw and you are now in a bind.
Krazy glue might have worked if there was some portion left of the head that wasn't rounded off but if smooth, nothing there for the glue to really hold on to.