I have been using motion detection lights with sensors on both sides of my POPUP trailer for years. I also have a pocket FOB for them as well...
Never been a camp ground problem for me... We most of the time are camping off-road somewhere however...
My system just turns on the lights under the front awning when activated... They go back off after a bit when no additional motion is detected...
I think it is neat to have the lights come on when someone walks up to the door...
ADDED NOTE: Both my trailers have what I seen being called SCARE LIGHTS mounted on the outside. These are under a switch from the inside the trailer. These are the 8-inch round lights mounted up high on the trailer side... I have one on each side of my Flagstaff trailer. Being on the side of the trailer does not fall under the DOT lights requirements rulings. These lights would be illegal if mounted on the rear of the trailer in our state. These make great light for backing into some camp ground sites...

google image
Roy Ken