My first unit from Travis (Mar) quit working before end of 6 month. Verison said number no longer valid. Sent it back in for reflash (Jul). Worked great in New Orleans, would not work when we got to Campbellsville, KY (Aug). Verizon said number still valid, so I have been adding the $5 monthly.
We are now visiting Louisville for 2 nites and unit working great. Not sure if due to towers or not (in Campbellsville wifes Verizon phone says extended network), will see if it works in Campbellsville when we return tomorrow.
I believe my units were not sent out preloaded with 6 months, the first one I assumed and did not check on, second one I checked and loaded before expired.
Only time will tell. I feel that even with cost of second reflash I am far ahead with data used vs my Verizon 4G Hotspot which I have disconnected.