SCVJeff wrote:
I am NOT backing up the cable companies on this, BUT, ONE of the reasons they needed to dump the analog service is because they needed the bandwidth for all the extra channels the ESPN, Fox Sports (to name a very few), present to the cable companies as a take it or leave it package. Add a hundred movie channels or so, add who knows how many On-Demand slots in the system, plus ultra wide full duplex internet (if you pay for it), and its easy to see where all the bandwidth went.
(edit: iphone spellin)
Oh they can do that.. Darien Telephone ships hybrid (Both Digital and Analog) I have 2 DVR's (Analog only) that can record all the analog I can watch Tier 1 digital is translated to an analog channel so the Replay's can replay them. Tires 2 and 3 are not but the TV is a modern wide screen analog/digital model and can decode them easily.. They are not Encrypted.
What the Big Name Cable Companies are doing (Cox,Comcast. Et-al) is encrypting.. in the old ATSC analog days if you lived in say Redford, MI you could subribe to "Basic" cable.. This could be watched on most of the TV's of that era even if it was QAM digital.
But Premium channels had to be decoded.. That took a box from Brighthouse.. Could not watch Premimum channels on a standard TV without the box.
Same now.. They just encrypted the signal so you have to get their box.. That way they they can charge you per TV instead of per house.
it's not a bandwidth thing.. It's a money thing.