RoyB.... You need to research and see just how much data you have been using each month over the last year. After this you make a decision regarding data.
As for me, I have had Verizon unlimited data for many years. I swore I would NEVER ever, give up that unlimited data plan unless forced to. Well, having two lines, when Verizon added the additional $20 per line a month ago, I was going to be paying around $200+ monthly for the unlimited. I researched my Verizon data usage history and found that indeed, I had a few months of the year, where my data usage was 20 or so GB but again only 3 or 4 months of the year with such usage. The rest of the year the data usage was 3 to 6 GB. Well after this research I gave up the unlimited. I went with a 6 GB plan that cost me $119.00 per month for 2 smart phones. (I have a 15% Veteran's Discount) IF and WHEN my data looks like it will exceed the 6GB on a given month I will bump up the data plan (bump up is about $15) for a month and then back it down. Doing this SAVES ME, $950+ per year on cellphone data. That's even considering a few months of the year I will be bumping up to 18GB per month. With the recent $20 per line increase on the unlimited data plan, it only makes sense to keep the unlimited if you consistently, each and every month, use say 18GB of data. I also might add that not only am I saving the $950+ per year but also am eligible for deals on phones.... Oh, I went with the "Verizon Plan 6GB"