Forum Discussion

Jay_Pat's avatar
Aug 03, 2016

VIP211K and Winegard Pathway X2 "Mobil Antenna Settings"

I can't find "Mobil Antenna Setting" page.
I want to change the arc satellites.
Any suggestions?
Thanks, Pat
  • Are you talking about switching from eastern arc to western arc or vice versa? That is the only arc change I remember with my set up (Dish). If so, you choose the arc at the beginning of set up, when you select your state.
  • Just set the Pathway roughly level with the cable connections more or less facing north, connect the cable from the pathway to the receiver, connect the receiver to the tv inputs, turn on the tv, and plug in the receiver. Leave it alone for 2 - 5 minutes and the mobile antenna set-up screen will appear. Follow the screen prompts and everything is automatic. The first few times I did mine I got impatient thinking it wasn't working and started turning things off and on. All that did was foul it up.

    If you want to change any of the settings, like to a different state, satellites, etc. I think you have to unplug the receiver, then plug it back in and start following the prompts again.
  • Home, now.
    I did find "Mobil Antenna Setup" when I went thru the check switch process.
    It came up when connected to the Pathway X2.
    Thanks for all the help!