1492 wrote:
Personally, I would elect to secure (encrypted) a website to avoid some of the issues mentioned. Are you using shared hosting? Fairly common these days to include either a universal or personal certificate with shared hosting plan.
Since Chrome has now become the most used browser, you don't want your visitors to see the warning below? It suggests your site as being suspicious, and users will rarely bypass the warning to your site. Though should only appear if your site has fields that can pass potentially personal info unencrypted. If this warning does not appear, then I don't think many visitors even notice the URL flag as a Not Secure site.
Another option if you want your site secured is to open a free Cloudflare.com account. Basically, all traffic is passed through its reverse proxy servers. Your webpages appear secured, and offers additional protection against hacker attacks as they won't have direct access to your website. However, traffic from Cloudflare.com to your site will still be unencrypted.
That typically happens when a certificate is expired or has an installation issue. Not due to a non secure site. You can tell that looking at the address at the top is a https. So the error you posted is in reference to a improperly working ssl cert.