We use to have DishTV but got tired of them jacking our prices up so canceled completely now.
When we first started with DishTV we used the pizza-pan dish on a tripod and it worked Ok. The only problem was, the tripod was outside the camper and the television was inside. It took 2 of us, one watching the television the other jacking the dish on the tripod around and screaming at each other through the trailer window. This became old real fast.
So I found this:
Click here. which worked very nice. When the dish hit the signal, the meter would make a high pitch, I knew the dish was pointed correct.
I still have if if you want it. If traveling near Anderson, Indiana, I'll toss your way. Let me know in a private PM.
I finally got tired of this too, and ended up getting a Dish Tailgater. That was nice. Just set anywhere and let the receiver do the work. It took about 5-10 minutes to get the television up and running.
I gave the tailgater and the receiver to another RV.net forum member a few months ago. But I still have the tri-pod, the actual satalite dish with 3 eyes and that signal finder.
Good luck.