jrp wrote:
Lots of possibilities, including the fact that many locations around Vegas have never been well served by Verizon. You should also be aware that for the last couple years, Verizon has been converting a lot of their previous 3G spectrum into 4G. So available 3G bandwidth in many areas has gone down significantly as the world has moved to 4G. You should update your device to 4G and get a better antenna. That 4" antenna that comes with the Sleek is better than no antenna, but not by much.
I missed that the OP's device was 3g. As far as Verizon is concerned, 3g is discontinued and unsupported... they're only keeping it around for resellers and roaming agreements with other CDMA carriers as far as I'm aware. All their recent capital investment has been in LTE and now xLTE bandwidth.
Time for a new jetpack, or a carrier agnostic phone like the Moto X Pure, Nexus 6, HTC One, and a few others.