rk911 wrote:
donn0128 wrote:
Dish does sell a pay as you go service. With that there is no need to suspend, just pay for the months you want it.
when we looked at the Dish P-A-Y-G service a year or two ago it was available only with a single receiver which, we were told, was compatible only with a portable antenna. just took a look at the Dish and Winegard websites and it seems that this has changed. according to Dish the Trav'ler SK-1000 is compatible with all Dish receivers. but elsewhere on the Dish websites they omit the SK-1000 as a compatible antenna. so I called Dish and was told that yes, the SK-1000 IS compatible with the PAYG receiver.
I also asked about local channels and the 'Distant Network Option'. this may not be news to others but apparently the DNO is no longer available thanks to the feds (who are always looking out for us). local channels are only available within 150-miles of your home. so, I asked if the "home" location can be changed and was told that was also forbidden by the feds. {sigh}
We have a Dish PAYG account that was set up through DishforMyRV.com with three receivers on it, all owned not leased. We currently have a Hopper, a Joey, and a VIP211k, all using a portable Dish 1000.4 dish. As we travel, we frequently (sometimes daily) change our "Service Address", NOT our "Billing Address", using the Dish Customer Service online chat system, to get the area locals. I'm told our account is flagged as an RV account, and also flagged to use both the eastern and western arc satellites since we use which ever arc works best for our current location by changing the LNB "head" on the dish. The Dish version of the Trav'ler uses the western arc only automatically.