In WI State Parks, "disabled" sites are only reservable by those with placards or "dis" license plates. If a "disabled" site is not reserved for a busy weekend it will be given out as the last available electric site in the park. Most if not all the disabled sites in WI have concrete pads and easy, close wheel chair access to bathrooms and showers. The new showers and toilet stalls being built are current standard ADA compliant.
spadoctor wrote:
campgrounds DO NOT have to provide ADA compliant sites or facilities
Are you sure about that? I think maybe you misunderstand the law on this. The sites themselves, probably not. Facilities, yes. My understanding is that any facility that is open to the public has to be ADA compliant. However facilities that were built before ADA or before the most recent set of ADA guidelines do not have to be upgraded even if they are remodeled. New facilities have to meet current guidelines, that is the ability for a wheel chair to be able to turn 360 degrees in any area including the stall.