skipnchar wrote:
Many municipalities do not allow anyone to live in an RV under many circumstances. IF his is a case of allowing you to violate ANY law in his community then are being unreasonable. If it's just his "whim" then probably not. If it IS legal for you to stay in the RV then you might try renegotiating the contract and allow him to spend a DAY in the RV. If a system works during the day it will also work at night. Might make the issue of "trust" easier to swallow and he would likely want to add something else to your contract that says you can back away for a "just" reason, not just your whim.
Good luck / Skip
Again, a big problem with this that I see is that if YOU are going to spend a night (or a day) in HIS RV, then he has to be there the entire time. I don't think it's reasonable to expect a complete stranger to say "Go ahead and spend hours and hours in my RV and I'll just go run errands or watch tv". I know I would never feel comfortable just leaving a complete stranger to do who knows what in my RV just on the chance he'll buy it.
That means that you're taking up the seller's entire day so you can decide. What if he has another buyer who wants to see the RV that day? Now the seller's got to figure out how to explain "the guy hanging out in the RV" to another potential buyer AND risk upsetting "the guy hanging out in the RV" because the other buyers cut into your practice time.
I just don't see any way a buyer could make spending more than 3 hours (and that better be a serious buyer) into a positive for the seller.