Pick any of the standard ones, put it on a computer and we have it sectionalized into major catergories like Food, Clothes, Medicines, Misc with three columns ... HAVE, NEED, DONE. The list is all enclusive and in getting ready for a particular trip DW will get a blank list and intitally do the HAVE, NEED, DONE for that trip and put the list (about 3 pages now) on a clipboard and use that as she packs. She updates the list as changes occur item wise and about once a year I make up a new computer based list with her changes. Sometimes she has to add something unique for a particular trip that is not normally on the standard list. An example was our recent trip to the KEYS where I had her add "FISHING ITEMS" since I wanted to take a tackle box and some particular rods/reels that I don't normal have in the Trailer or Van when traveling.
As far as leaving and not forgetting something like the antenna when on the road I always try and remember to make several walk arounds and have now gotten into the habit that when I finally get into the Van to leave I STOP, GET OUT, and do a FINAL CHECK and by that I meant walk completely around the trailer and Van and make sure everything looks right and that I haven't left anything behind. The biggest key is to no get into a hurry and if you are trying to hurry up and leave at least STOP and DO THAT FINAL WALK AROUND REGARDLESS.