....2. Once we found our spot...we got it in what we thought was a good position, leveled it, unhooked the truck and then discovered that it was not close enough to hook it to the electrical outlet. Redo....
Ah, you will get used to it. And think of it this way you just started your first chapter of CG stories to tell around the campfire! :C
BTW.....get yourself an RV extension cord to keep on board at all times. It will give you an additional 30 ft. You will find yourself at many CG's that you ARE parked in the correct position and still can't reach the shore station.

Buy a Rhino sewer hose kit with all the attachments you will eventually need at some CG's. And you will be way ahead of the game of muddling thru the newbie stage! :B

Both can be found at Walmart.
Welcome to the sometimes wacky world of RV'ing!