Please give us an update on the dealer when you go back there to have things fixed. After all the horror stories about dealers, it sounds like you may have found a good one!
Phydeauxman wrote:
4. Once we got all leveled up (the second time) started extending slides. Got to the last one (the bunkhouse slide) and discovered that it would not go all the way out. Would start binding half way out. Called dealer service department and they walked me through discovering that one of the cabinet doors that is not visible when the slide is in had popped open while we were driving and the slide was getting caught on it. Was able to get my arm down the side of the slide to get the door closed but the damage was done...lower hinge was ripped off the cabinet face.
Luckily, the dealer is going to cover the door for us because it popped open while driving and should not have. When I discovered this, I never once thought they would fix it but they just offered to do it as a warranty item.