Chock Full o' Nuts wrote:
I think everyone has had at least one mistake. I know I have. Like the time I misjudged a corner and took out a restaurant awning, plus a 20-ft strip of my brand new roof. Or the time I parked the trailer in what i thought was our site--it turned out to be the middle of the road! :B The campground owner came by and set me straight. Or the time we hitched our PUP in the dark and didn't realize it wasn't seated on the ball. Pulled out next morning without checking it and--you guessed it!--dropped the hitch about 1/2 mile down the road on a 5 lane hwy at Atlanta rush hour. :S
i just hadta hijack this post to tell you how hard we laffed ...i know..wasn't funny..but so funny now.. ;-)