Forum Discussion

charming's avatar
Nov 23, 2013

Winterizing In the South

I have seen the articles and read all the info about storing an RV if you live in the frozen north. ;)

But I haven't seen much on what to do in the chilly south? We plan to take our RV out during the winter just to get used to it before we do a big trip next fall. I am concerned because it is supposed to get down to about 27 this weekend. I suggested to DH we take it out for a spin on Sunday and drain the fresh water. We don't do anything special during the winter for our spare car (affectionately know as the dog car).

Our winter will have about 2 weeks where it will get below freezing at night and that is usually not until February. We have had such a strange weather year, I'm sure it will warm up and be wonderful by Thanksgiving day. We are planning to take a short trip down to Huntington Beach on Sunday after Thanksgiving. We probably won't get it out again until early January.

So, for those who are in warmer climates but not sunny Florida, what is your winterizing routine?
  • Of course not, I'm new not....
    but anyway I must admit after DH dumped - AND CLOSED - the 2 tanks at the end of our last outing, he forgot to put the cover back on. :o
  • Are you planning to drain out water as you are "spinning" along??

    That is really considered bad form.

    People seeing you go by do not know whether it is drinking water, grey water, or black water! They tend to think the worst.
  • Sounds like when we take it out for a spin tomorrow to drain off some or all of the water from the fresh water tank?

    I think the weather will be back to normal by next Sunday so not really concerned about it being that cold. We will be at a state park so we don't need our own water.

    So far the only time we've wanted our own water was down at Edisto! :E That was bad water! Even DH commented.
  • Rockhillmanor speaks the truth. At least in Florida and Kentucky, the two states I have experience with.

    The temperature drops slowly through the night and the absolute coldest is the two or three hours surrounding dawn.
  • I'm from up North and here is what I learned about how the weather works being in the South for Winter.

    Unlike the Northern States where when the sun goes down so does the temps. In the South the temps drop right before dawn and ONLY for 2 or 3 hours!.

    BIG difference from how the weather works up North where if they predict 20 degrees you get bet your long johns that once the sun goes down the temps will race to 20 degrees and STAY there until sunrise.

    Last Winter Florida had it's share of just at freezing nights. At worst your hose leading to the RV will freeze, maybe! I have never had anything freeze inside the RV even with no heat on.

    Also the hose will thaw in about 15 minutes when the sun comes up. If you can't wait the few minutes for it to thaw, disconnect and drain the hose before you go to bed. :W

    Still love it when the locals freak out when the temp goes to 32 degrees for a whole 2 hours! They need just one night in Wisconsin in winter to appreciate how good they have it! :B
  • When you are camping/living in an RV and the temp drops below 32, like 27, the water lines inside the RV usually won't freeze at all. The outside hose probably will especially at the wall connection.
    That said, your water lines have a good chance to freeze if it is just sitting there unoccupied. In your case, just blow out the lines with a portable compressor. Dump the water tank and don't put that much into it when you do go RVing. Probably you won't need any at all if your stay are RV parks.
    We don't put water in our lines until we get to southern Ark or Okla. We carry water bottles until then. Works just as good.
  • I thought 'Winterizing in the South' consisted of stocking the RV with food and beer :@