Old-Biscuit wrote:
Do you use a 'water softener'?
Your friend does...correct?
Is his anode rod aluminum?
Aluminum and water softeners are not good combo
9 mos & using a water softener is about average consumption of an anode rod.
Magnesium rod......have a 'tit' on head
Aluminum rod.......smooth head
Teflon tape.....no effect on the cathodic action
Threads on anode rod and drain hole cut thru that tape and make metal to metal contact.
Magnesium has better galvanic current flow then Aluminum.
I do NOT use a water softener. I only use a Pentex Charcoal filter.
He said he used Magnesium, he sent a link and the head has a TIT.
I just looked and based on what you said mine must be Aluminum. Looked at purchase Summer 2016 and it is aluminum.
Just seems like a lot of consumption in 9 months.
Had my well pump and galvanized pipe replaced in NW WA, the Well guy said I had great water and everything was VERY clean.