Back when I wintered in Detroit the first year I used Pink Stuff in the lines. Mell of a hess getting rid of all of it, ....Second year I wised up
Hooked up the compressor and blew the lines.. Several times waiting a few minutes between blows.. Used pinks in drains and traps only.. Emptied the water pump inlet strain and let it run dry for a minute.. Drained the water heater.
(NOTE: you should do most all this if using pink stoff too save for the blowing of lines)
Next spring.. Not only did I not have a hassle getting rid of the pink stuff... There was no pink stuff to get rid of save in the drains and traps, And well.. getting rid of that is.... NOT a problem.. (just flush).
Sanatized as I had to do the first spring, and all was good.
Now some folsk yammer about the frew drops of watter remaining after a blow out..
First: I did multiple blows. waiting between blows.. This gets rid of most of those.
Second: Even if some water does drip down to a low spot.. PEX survives freezing well, what breaks are the elbows and connectors as they are made of a hard plastic with no give... And the low spots (not the lowest which is a drain but the kind of spots where water might collect) on my rig are all PEX, nice freezable PEX.
Secodn, not enough water to fill a line remains, and if the air in the lines ever freezes... I won't be worried about it, not one bit.. For that matter I wont' be alive to worry about it (I breath that air too and frozen air is kind of hard to breathe).