Captain_Happy wrote:
You'll be surprised by how much water blowing the lines dosn't get out. Just pump some pink stuff through and see how much more water comes. You'll be surprised.
I've blown my waterlines out for ten years now, and use the pink stuff for traps only. Have never had any water leaks. Anybody that does, isn't taking the time to do it right. I go around and check all my faucets with the lines pressurized to make sure all the water is out, including the toilet. Mind you I'm talking about city water inlet not water holding tanks or water pump as we don't use them. Then I open low point drains, and usually only get about a cup of water out at the most. Takes about 20 minutes to do, and one gallon of pink stuff. Not saying my way is the best method, just trying to point this out to all the naysayers. What ever works best for you is what you should do. Opinions will vary including mine. And the pressure I use is about 50psi.