In 30 years of marriage, my wife and I were apart only once for about 3 months. Even when I was in the military, during my military "career" we for fortunate to never be apart, except those nights I had to pull CQ duty. and except for those 3 months (we were moving, changing jobs, and selling property in the relocation process, we had to do this), we've been together under the same roof every night. I wouldn't even begin to imagine camping alone or leaving her behind. The reason I got out of the military was because I was in-line to transfer to Germany if I re-enlisted again. I heard too many stories about all the time required in the "field" and families were left behind. The counts were sometimes as much as 9 months out of the year apart from spouses. I couldn't do that to my new "bride". I opted to get out of the military. She was more important and still is. She comes first in my life! (and I know I come first in her life!).