I have not noticed a great increase in "Incidents" other than theft of Catalytic Converters. This is not "Dangerous" just costly. (And insurance..well that's what it's for).
Now.. I have noticed that there are places where I would rather NOT park a Motor home not even overnight. So far I've found about 4 or 5 of them (in 15 years of RVing) What did I do? Park elsewhere of course.. Without incident.
Your eyes and your "Gut" are very good protection.. if it does not look safe.. Move on. Do keep doors double locked at night.. I recommend against Guns for protection.. Fire Extinguishers are good. Have several not just the one inside the door (that little 5 pound joke) but some "All Fire" foam types.. They put out wood/fiber fires. Gas/oil fires.. Electrical fires, Passion Fires (see movie 6 Pack staring Kenny Rogers. he uses one to put out a passion Fire) If the attacker can not breath due to the powder (in the movie's case) he's not going to continue the attack.