To the OP: Only places we have noticed or expect generators to be running All Day and Night are at large events,Festivals,NASCAR,Tailgating,large parades ETC.
We try not to camp in the California heat around here. If we need to go in because it is over 95 or 110 degrees out then we will make sure sure we get a site that has power. Or we head to the Coast where it is usually cool and windy and only need the generator for short periods at a time.
Only time we experienced generators running for long periods of the time have been at fishing tournaments that require camping, but then that goes back to EVENTS in general.
I do understand that the East Coast tends to stay warm at night and some folks run their generator to stay cool,, but again the situation seems to dictate the use. Like the two pictures of camping out in the middle of no where,, Yeah, I would have no problem bringing my generator out there,, after all,,,,whos going to care or know???