And are not driving across the Arizona desert (in the heat of summer) at highway speeds on foreign tires!! don't forget THAT part!
While doing exactly that summer 2018, shredded one (passenger side) along the interstate...that one shredded so bad it took out the water intake line under the bathroom, so no water until we could get a slap-dash repair the nest day....mounted the spare...limped into the closest national tire chain to replace....get rolling...before getting back onto the freeway, a SECOND one shreds...not merely flat--SHREDDED..limped it the two miles back to the tire store...replaced ALL the tires....This, on a trailer that was at that point less than three years old...wasn't tread life or inflation that cause the 'two blowouts within a few was the heat, and the cheapness of the factory-original tires that did us in