I think people turned to pets versus socializing with other people which is sad. Then the pets became their kids
and soon they were showing up in stores and restaurants, in shopping carts and sitting at the table
Description of the ultimate 'type' of a PITA pet owner.
Along with the ever increasing mentality, "my pet has rights too". :R
Yup I too RV with a dog. When I sold my house to go Full Time, I had a dog. So he went with me.
I keep to myself at CG's as I travel and I don't refer to my dog as a fur baby he is my 'dog'.
I HATE when I am quietly sitting outside my MH, on my site with the dog and up comes a dog owner right ON TO my site up to my face with their dog in tow saying. "my doggie wants to meet your doggie." :S
I am NOT here to be a play date for your dog! Campers who do that STOP.