Heck of a gal you got there. :) That's exactly what I would do and also seal around all the windows and lights. People think it's new and doesn't need anything when actually it's leaking from day one and they find out 2 or 3 years later. The previous owner of my FW didn't use it much at all but when we started using it all winter we noticed a leak by the rear window in the slide. I ended up removing the window and found that they missed the edge of the window opening with the putty. The hole was borderline too big which didn't help. I went around all the windows with proflex. It didn't happen because the old girl is 14 years old, it was bad from day one, I just put it into the conditions that showed the leak.
I would never assume that an RV is OK because it is new, I would immediately treat it as it could have numerous leaks. My son had the same issues with a damaged TT membrane from the day it was built and rotted out around the ac unit. Wham Bam get it out the door!