I'm a single RVer. My 'C' has an uncomfortable couch that can be pulled out to make an uncomfortable bed. So it just collects "stuff". I never sit or sleep on it. There's a rear BR for that. The dinette required some alterations as I have Dunlap disease. My belly "done lap" over my belt. So the dinette was uncomfortable. Since I couldn't move the seats, I made two alterations to the table. The table top sits on two metal legs that can be removed from the floor and the table top to make the dinette into another bed. I left the floor receptacles where they were and moved the tabletop receptacles so I could fit. I also took the seat cushions to an upholstery shop and had them replace the cushion material with denser foam. Very comfortable now.
And if I ever sell it, I can put it back the way it was designed with a screwdriver.