lots2seeinmyrv wrote:
...They should be using all opportunities and marketing ideas they can. This Virus is not a one-size-fits-all solution to all businesses and the many problems this is causing the entire country....
I am active in a fraternal organization which has a bar & dining room. As of today in the state of Oregon, we are closed for the next four weeks.
At a board meeting last night, we decided all employees will stay employed during this time and will be working. Serious deep cleaning will be going on throughout the establishment. In addition some projects that would otherwise have been highly disruptive to operations are being done - new carpet, new ceiling tiles/insulation, and a restroom remodel. Frankly some of these are projects we have had funded for a number of years, but we have been unwilling to close the doors for the couple weeks necessary to get them done.
My opinion... Yup, CoVid-19 is collectively smacking us upside the head. Do we toss our hands in the air and cry about it, or do we double-down and pursue the opportunities it presents?